Dr. Yogeshwar Pawale
MD(Ayu.) Kerala.MS(Psychotherapy & Family Counselling)
KAC is runing by Dr. Pawale Yogeshwar. MD (Ayu.) Kerala, Kannur University, Rank holder. MS (Psychotherapy & Family Counselling). DYA. We are planing to start various branches of KAC at Mumbai,Latur & other big cities… KAC having a distributorship of Arya Vaidya Sala Kottakkal medicines.
My Inspiration
My Guru, Dr.John K. George. HOD, Department Of Rognidana, GAC, Kannur, Kerala. who has always inspired me and constant encouragment in achieving the milestone “Kalpataru Ayurveda Chikitsalay”. I Owe my most sincere Gratitude to Dr. L. Mahadevan, Dr. R. Sreekumar, Dr. Ajithkumar, Dr.S. Gopakumar and Dr.Mukesh For thier co-operation and help whenever I approached them.

Prior appointment can be taken for consultation at the AHRC. Out-patient consultation is usually in the morning from 8:30 am to 1:00 pm and in the evening from 4:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Patients need to report at the Reception Counter of AHRC at 8:30 am. They should carry all papers and documents related to their ailment, such as previous clinical reports, pathology/laboratory reports, etc. After registering their name, a case history will be recorded by an Assistant Physician. Thereafter, the patient, along with the papers, can meet the Physician with whom an appointment has been confirmed. Out-patient consultation is usually available on all days including Sundays. It is better to take a prior appointment to avoid delays.